
A holiday season without good food would bring out the Grinch in all of us. So many of our best holiday memories begin with the meals we share and the goodies we bake. Remember Mom’s sweet potato pie or Grandma’s Mexican cinnamon cookies? How about your aunt’s famous turkey stuffing or your cousin’s perfectly cooked spiral ham.

节日大餐把我们聚在一起,这是其他任何东西都无法做到的. 在预热烤箱之前, keep in mind that preparing the holiday foods we love also means using energy. 使用多余的澳门金沙登录意味着更高的账单. We have ways to help you cut energy consumption and costs for all your holiday needs.


How do you find the balance between holiday cooking and saving energy? Just incorporate a few of these energy efficiency steps into your holiday cooking routine. 

  • 你的假日烘焙在一天内完成吗. If you’re going to crank up your energy use to bake, might as well do it all at once. Get those pies, cookies and breads done in the same heated oven. Even better, try some recipes that don’t require the oven, such as these delicious 杏仁皮饼干. 它们很简单,而且对微波炉友好.
  • 不要偷看. Once you’ve slid those goodies into the oven, keep the door 关闭d. Opening the oven door lowers temperatures inside by as much as 25 degrees and wastes energy. 
  • 微波食品. 微波炉比传统的燃气烤箱节省90%的澳门金沙登录. If a recipe allows for it, choose the microwave instead of the oven. 
  • 把冰箱门关上. Standing in front of an open refrigerator door means lost energy. 在你开门拿烹饪用品之前, 知道你需要什么,把所有的东西集中在一起. Another tip — set your refrigerator at 35 to 38 degrees to save energy.
  • 把锅盖在炉子上,加快加热速度.
  • 在燃烧器上使用正确大小的锅. A 6-inch pot on an 8-inch burner wastes 40% of the burner’s heat.


日光节约带来了更短的白天和更冷的天气. You’ll be using less sunlight and relying more on the lighting inside your home. Hosting get-togethers means the lights will be blazing, especially after the change in time on Nov. 6. With Thanksgiving also approaching, you might be thinking about hanging your holiday lights. Use these tips to save energy on your indoor and outdoor lighting. 

  • 扔掉旧灯泡. Switch your incandescent light bulbs with more efficient LED bulbs. 它们耗电少,寿命长,而且省钱. 一些顾客甚至可以得到一个 退税 换成更节能的灯泡.
  • 让阳光照进来. 如果你家里有朝南的窗户, open those shades during the day and let the sun do its job heating up your home. 晚上,关上百叶窗,保持温暖.
  • 设置计时器. Connect your outdoor lights to a timer and schedule them to turn on only when it’s dark and turn off before you go to bed. Also, try to keep them twinkling for less than six hours each day.
  • 寻找其他选择. String lights are a holiday decor classic, but they aren’t the only option. There are plenty of festive choices that don’t require much electricity. When you want an easy-to-install option, opt for laser Christmas light displays. 激光使用约0.每小时0.005瓦的电. If you’re looking for something with a classic appearance, go for an outdoor LED projector. 
  • 记住要注意安全. Before you channel your inner Clark Griswold, watch this video from 团队准备. It's easy to stay safe, while still having the hap-hap-happiest Christmas.


While we hope these energy saving tips will help you keep bills lower, 我们明白,有时这样做是不够的. We’re thankful that we can offer our customers our energy assistance programs. We offer a myriad of programs, we're here to help you find the right option. 

  • 预算结算: 免费、稳定的付款计划 预算帐单 gives you more predictable bills by averaging the amount you pay each month. 这种方式, you can avoid spikes in your bill caused by seasonal changes in how much energy you use or rising costs.
  • 援助项目: We support and provide programs to help our customers manage their energy bills. 看看你是否符合条件
  • 在您的澳门金沙登录门户网站上监控您的澳门金沙登录使用情况: If you haven’t already done so, now is a great time to create your personal energy portal. Not only does the portal allow you to conveniently pay bills online and manage your account preferences, but you will also be able to see your energy usage and adjust to save money. 创建门户很容易.


从儿童玩具到苹果手机, some of the most common holiday gifts are expected to be in short supply this season. Which means cyber criminals will be hard at work on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, trying to entice desperate customers to cut corners on cyber security to buy that hard-to-get gift. 不要这样做. 采取以下步骤 享受一个快乐和网络安全的假日购物季. 



有了这些节能提示和安全提醒, you can plan for a wonderful holiday season filled with 家庭, 朋友和美食. 毕竟,假期应该是快乐的时光,而不是烦恼的时光.

更多提示,请关注我们 脸谱网Instagram, LinkedIn,推特, YouTube, Pinterest.



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