
Don’t let high energy bills turn you into a Grinch this holiday season. Instead, gather your elves and get to work making your home as energy efficient as possible.

From wrapping your water heater to caulking drafty windows, our 节约12天的澳门金沙登录 will help you keep energy efficiency top of mind. And don’t forget weather safety during the cold winter months. 查看我们的 tips for staying safe while traveling this holiday season.    

第一天. 选择LED灯. If you enjoy doing a Clark Griswold on your house during the holidays, don’t forget that those lights are energy users. Luckily, you can save energy and money by choosing LED holiday lights. 但是为什么要停在这里呢?? Replace incandescent bulbs throughout your home with LED bulbs and watch the savings grow.

第二天. 使用热水器包装. We don’t spend much time thinking about our water heaters or water heater insulation, but we should. Water heaters account for about 20% of home energy usage. Thankfully, you can save energy by adding a water heater wrap. 只需购买一个热水器绝缘套件, follow the instructions and you’ll have a cozy water heater that’s more energy efficient. Even better, consider replacing your old water heater with a high efficiency water heater. 观看我们的帮助视频 有关热水器包装的更多信息. 

第三天. 想想厨房的效率. Cooking is as much a part of the holidays as presents and caroling. Just imagine the holidays without those tasty holiday pies or that plump turkey. 不幸的是,烹饪消耗大量的能量. 但是有一些方法可以减少使用. For instance, do your holiday baking all on one day and keep that oven door 关闭d. 用烤箱的窗户代替. 使用合适尺寸的平底锅, shut the heat off a few minutes before your goodies are done and let the remaining heat do the job, 把火腿放进烤箱前先解冻. Even better, consider putting your ham in a crockpot.

第四天. 关上壁炉的风门. If your home has a fireplace, make sure to 关闭 the damper completely when not in use. That one move could save you 8% on your home’s heat.

第五天. 封住寒冷. 检查窗户是否漏水. Then get out the caulk or weather stripping and seal out that frigid air.

一天6. 把恒温器调小. Once everyone is tucked into their beds with visions of sugarplums dancing in their heads, 调低恒温器的温度. Do the same when no one is home or when you’re traveling for the holidays. You can save as much as 10% a year on your heating bill by simply turning your thermostat back 10% to 15% for eight hours.

第七天. 保持炉子健康. Replacing your furnace filter regularly helps your furnace work more efficiently which saves you money. While you’re at it, consider having your furnace inspected or sign up for a 服务警卫计划 为了额外的心灵平静. With Service Guard, a broken appliance isn’t an emergency.

第八天. 隔离. 检查你的 家的绝缘. 这足够吗?? You can lose as much as 20% of your heating energy through an uninsulated ceiling.

天9. 关掉风扇. Use kitchen, bath and other ventilating fans sparingly. In just one hour, ventilating fans can blow away a house full of warmed air.

第十天. 充分利用阳光. 让太阳发挥它的作用吧. On sunny days, leave your shades open and the sun will warm a room and your home. But remember to 关闭 those blinds at night to insulate against the frosty night air.

天11. 即使在家里,也要穿暖和. Pull on a cozy holiday sweater and cover up with a fuzzy blanket while watching those romantic holiday films. That way, you can 调低恒温器的温度 and save on energy.

天12. 拔掉. Did you know that appliances like computers and coffeemakers continue to use energy even when not in use? 只要有可能,就拔掉电器插头.

既然你在家里节约澳门金沙登录, it’s time to talk safety during extreme winter weather, 尤其是在路上的时候.



While you’re going over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house this holiday season, don’t forget to pack a winter weather kit for your vehicle. These items could be a lifesaver in an emergency.


  • 额外的帽子、手套和外套
  • 化学手和脚暖
  • 睡袋:睡袋或毯子
  • 一双雪地靴
  • 跨接电缆
  • LED手电筒
  • 刮雪机擦窗户
  • 一把铲子
  • 手机充电器
  • 路耀斑
  • 一袋五磅重的沙子用来牵引力

查看我们的 气象中心 澳门金沙登录风暴安全提示.



If you’ve never wrapped a water heater before, don’t worry. 我们澳门金沙客服网址支持你的DIY项目. 团队准备 will walk you through the steps to make sure your water heater is wrapped for the best water heater efficiency around.

This is also a great time to sign up for a 服务警卫计划. Service Guard gives you 24-hour-a-day access to repair professionals and coverage for qualifying parts. 所有这些都需要一个合理的月租费. 内心的平静是难以企及的.

我们知道有时候, 即使你有这么多节能的建议, 应付高额的澳门金沙登录账单仍然很困难. 这就是为什么我们澳门金沙登录提供我们的 布莱克山关怀中心 程序. 布莱克山关怀中心 supports our neighbors who are struggling to pay their energy bills.

Now go enjoy your energy savings and have a happy holiday season!



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